code generator


Effortless Activation

Activate your two-factor authentication (2FA) in a snap. Use our secure QR code scanning or manual entry options.

Biometric Access

Choose from Face ID or Touch ID for a fast, seamless experience that puts your convenience first.

Data Encryption

We employ high-grade data encryption, ensuring your sensitive codes are visible only to you.

Two-factor authenticator

Our app arms you with an easy-to-use, highly secure 2FA solution for all your online interactions.

Unlock Premium Security

Explore the added perks that comes with our premium features

  • + Secure your accounts
  • + Data security encryption
  • + Protect passwords
  • + No ads and no limits


$3.99 and 3-days trial




For a comprehensive list of FAQs, visit the dedicated FAQ section on our website.

Alternatively, if you require personalized assistance, feel free to reach us via email or engage with us through live chat at

What does the Authenticator: code generator do?

The Authenticator: 2fa code generator is designed to provide an additional layer of security for your online accounts. It is an all-in-one solution that streamlines your 2FA process while providing advanced digital safety.

How do I begin with the Authenticator: code generator?

Getting started is simple. Simply select the plan that aligns best with your needs, or try out our risk-free demo. The journey towards superior digital safety begins the moment you download the app.

Is the Authenticator: code generator free of charge?

To provide our users with the most secure and dependable service, we operate on a monthly subscription basis. However, with our free trial, you have the opportunity to experience the full capacity of our app without spending anything upfront.

Is my device compatible with the Authenticator: code generator?

Absolutely, provided your device is iOS-compatible. Our app is designed to work seamlessly with almost any contemporary smartphone that runs on iOS.

Are there any restrictions with the Authenticator: code generator?

Not at all. You are at liberty to explore all the features of our app without any limitations - all while enjoying an enhanced level of security.